7 research outputs found

    Competencies of Polish Scientists as a Contribution to the Success of Innovation Research and Development Projects

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    The states which top the list of the number of conducted research and development activities put substantial emphasis on a scientist’s competencies. Today, experts are able to determine the competencies that will decide on the success of projects in the next decade. They include, among others, leadership skills, team work, entrepreneurship as well as international and cross-sector mobility. What is the place of Polish scientists in relation to these competencies? What are their strongest and weakest points? How do the competencies of Polish scientists translate into the success of projects conducted in our country? These questions were to find their answers thanks to the research conducted in 2011 commissioned by the National Information Processing Institute. This article presents some of the results. It includes, amongst others, the differences between scientists from science departments and companies as well as between project managers and members of research teams.Preparation and printing funded by the National Agency for Research and Development under project “Kreator Innowacyjności – wparcie dla Przedsiębiorczości akademickiej

    Kobiety w STEM. Niewidzialne asystentki i przełomowe odkrywczynie

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    The article describes the situation of female scientists in STEM fields. The author presents two main strategies which had to be used by those women in order to keep themselves in male scientific world – they were working as ”invisible assistants” of men (brothers, fathers, husbands), contributing to their successes, or they pretended to be men (disguise, nicknames, etc.). Showing profiles of female Nobel laureates and providing statistics on women in STEM in Poland, the author wonders if contemporary science has been changing towards increasing women’s representation.W artykule opisana została sytuacja naukowczyń w dziedzinach STEM. Autorka przedstawia dwie podstawowe strategie, jakie musiały te kobiety stosować w przeszłości, by utrzymać się w męskim świecie nauki – pracowały jako „niewidzialne pomocnice” mężczyzn (braci, ojców, mężów) i przyczyniały się do ich sukcesów, albo w jakiś sposób udawały mężczyzn (przebranie, pseudonimy etc.). Pokazując sylwetki noblistek oraz dostarczając danych statystycznych dotyczących kobiet w STEM w Polsce, autorka zastanawia się, czy we współczesnej nauce nastąpiły znaczące zmiany w kierunku wzrastającego udziału kobiet.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Polish business models of technology transfer centres against foreign leaders. Conclusions of the case studies

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    The authors analyse business models existing in leading technology transfer academic centres throughout the world, in order to find out to what extent they are implemented by entities in Poland. Their attention is focused on such components of business models as: legal form and methods of financing, the mission of operations, the work integration and the mechanisms of collaboration with the science and commercial sector. The study is qualitative, based on the analysis of the case studies of foreign entities. The diversity of global solutions enables a critical look at the activities of Polish technology transfer centres and points to the choice of models which are best suited to their domestic conditions. According to the authors, the improved effectiveness of technology transfer centres is an important part of the debate on the transformation of traditional universities into entrepreneurial universities

    Polish business models of technology transfer centres against foreign leaders. Conclusions of the case studies

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    The authors analyse business models existing in leading technology transfer academic centres throughout the world, in order to find out to what extent they are implemented by entities in Poland. Their attention is focused on such components of business models as: legal form and methods of financing, the mission of operations, the work integration and the mechanisms of collaboration with the science and commercial sector. The study is qualitative, based on the analysis of the case studies of foreign entities. The diversity of global solutions enables a critical look at the activities of Polish technology transfer centres and points to the choice of models which are best suited to their domestic conditions. According to the authors, the improved effectiveness of technology transfer centres is an important part of the debate on the transformation of traditional universities into entrepreneurial universities

    Information technology systems that support science and higher education RAD-on: Reports, analyses, data

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    93 pages.-- English version of the RAD-on system booklet originally published in Polish.-- Translator: Michał TomaszewskiThe RAD-on portal forms an integral component of an IT system that presents reports, analyses, and data on science and higher education in Poland. RAD-on was developed by the National Information Processing Institute (OPI PIB) in collaboration with the Polish Ministry of Education and Science as part of the Integrated Network of Information on Science and Higher Education project.In terms of the data it collects and shares, RAD-on is currently the largest national IT system in science and higher education in Europe. It stores information on nearly all scientific institutions in Poland, as well as their scientists. This includes academic teachers and other individuals who conduct classes at higher education institutions. RAD-on also offers comprehensive lists of scholarly publications, national and international patents, research projects funded by various sources, and institutional investments. It contains extensive information on students, graduates, and on tertiary education programmes, including fields of study, foreign students, PhD students, and study formats